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Docente guida: Prof. B.T. Cenci Coga
Prodotti della ricerca:
- Cenci-Goga BT, Karama M, Sechi P, Iulietto MF, Novelli S, Mattei S. Evolution under different storage conditions of anomalous blue coloration of mozzarella cheese intentionally contaminated with a pigment-producing strain of pseudomonas fluorescens. J Dairy Sci. 2014;97(11):6708-18
Rossitto P, Cullor J, Crook J, Parko J, Sechi P, Cenci-Goga B. Effects of UV irradiation in a continuous turbulent flow UV reactor on microbiological and sensory characteristics of cow's milk. J Food Prot. 2012;75(12):2197-207.
- Sechi P, Iulietto MF, Mattei S, Traina G, Codini M, Cenci-Goga BT. Effect of a formulation of selected dairy starter cultures and probiotics on microbiological, chemical and sensory characteristics of swine dry-cured sausages. Meat Sci. 2012 Mar;90(3):599-606.